✏️Bartleby Question Poster

Post your own questions on the Bartleby Platform. Limited Requests.

This bot requires some work on the users' end, so please follow the instructions below.

Channel Name: #bartleby-poster

Step 1: Run the $post command in the channel above.

Once the command is entered, you will be prompted to either "Start" or "Cancel" the Question Posting process.

Step 2: Attatch Questions in Text Format. (or skip to next step)

In this step, you will have the option to attach any question in text format, you would like to post on the Bartleby.com platform.

If you would like to only insert images instead, move to the next step by typing: skip

You can use both text & images in the same request!

Step 3: Attatch Questions in image Format (or skip to next step)

Now it's time to add the images of the problems you would like solved in this step.

Images must be inputted all at once, and links to the images are not supported. You must drag all the images onto the Discord app for this step to work.

You can use both text & images in the same request!

Step 4: Choosing a Subject

This step is fairly straightforward. Pick the subject you would like this question to be posted in by typing in the respective number.

Example: 19 <- For Advanced Math

Final posted question which includes our question we used.

Last updated